Friday, August 18, 2006

i'm not laughing, you're not leaving

Last week I finally joined the revolution.

After months of believing skinny jeans to be solely for skinny people, I now have realised that I am either a. right and skinny, or the more realistic b. wrong and still a bit fat. In other words I have my own lovely pair :)

I know this is kinda the point but they really are TIGHT round the calf and ankle. They feel like tighty tight knee high socks. They bunch up round the ankle. I may have to put them on like tights rather than trousers but they are, in fact a vision of grey loveliness.

Even though I was wrong and am still still a bit fat, I feel skinny and right in my lovely H&M friends :) :)


Ben said...

Yes they do look rather lovely. Or maybe it's you. Probably a combination of the two.

betty said...

You don't know what I look like

Ben said...

That is true. I suppose compliments based on guesswork are rarely well received.