Tuesday, October 31, 2006

someone that you love too much

I've been in London for 6 ish weeks. And it's good, it's so un-provincial, so full of everything anyone could ever want or need, it's a capital city obviously, and therefore has everything cultural and historical (well that's not really true) and despite my previous rantings "London is not the centre of the universe, the country does not not revolve around London etc" I have to say that now I'm in the centre of the universe; the country is revolving around me. But actually, if I hadn't been outside London, I wouldn't know the rest of Britain exists. London is a metropolitan bubble. It's amazing. I talk in tube stops, I no longer refer to the blue line, I get asked for directions, I see "TV special" silver police cars every day.

I'm meeting people. I'm studying. I'm having fun. I'm lying in.

But I really, really just want to talk to someone I already know.

Friday, October 20, 2006

without a second look you took me miles away

Apparently I only remember to blog when I've either got washing to do or washing in the machine.

First of all I'd like to point out that Ben who leaves comments about me being hot in skinny jeans and having stains on my duvet is in fact, not my lovely boyfriend, but someone I don't know. So don't judge him. My Ben that is. You can judge the other one.

I'm just signing up to the Psychology department research list. This means I'll be able to browse, sign up for and participate in studies like "Want some free money? If yes, come to room X and answer some simple maths and english questions while looking at different colours. This is an important part of a what will be a tremendously insightful study into the effects of colours on different parts of the human brain." This is good because a. I like free money and b. I actually quite like the stupid tests psychologists make you do.

I had my only lecture lecture of the week this morning and the lecturer had projecter issues. That's a computer projecter, not an old-school overhead acetate jobby; those things never break. The other day in a seminar Dr Seth had problems with his projector too, and this made me think, can anyone actually use these things? Does it ever go smoothly? Has anyone ever plugged it in, pressed on and been ready to go? I think not. I also think that it shouldn't have to be this way.

So here is my plea to anyone technology minded and that way inclined : re-design the projector. Make it simple. Make it work. Please.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

the sun is in the sky, oh why, oh why would I wanna be anywhere else?

The sun is not in the sky. Well, maybe it is, but it's also hidden behind a very angry looking rain cloud that is currently dispelling an unecessarily large amount of water onto London. I am very wet indeed. It has capillary actioned up my jeans to knee height in a 10 min dash back from uni. It's monsoon rain. It's rainy season rain. It's "Oh my gosh, let us all stop and gaze out of the window in absolute amazement" rain. It's so loud that I can no longer hear the low and constant rumble of traffic. It's rain that says to the world "Don't even try. Stay at home. I am the winner."

Despite this onslaught, I came home via the fantastic Tesco in order to a. purchase vegetables and b. acquire change for the washing machines. I have again found myself on my last pair of socks. I spent £4.07 on 3 carrots, 1kg of peas, 342g of ketchup (Heinz) and 229g of Scottish smoked haddock. I therefore gained 4 clubcard points, 1 50p and 2 20ps, both of which are in my "washing change" pile. Neither are inside the minstrels machine.

Last night I didn't go to the Holy Trinity Brompton student group but instead went to UCL Chorus - part of the Music Society. The rehearsal was 3 hours long. It was Mozart. I'd never sung it before. I was battling against a particularly horrific combination of period pain and "digestive discomfort". It was, however, a joyous occasion. :) I didn't get a part in Jekyll and Hyde, not even the chorus (I blame not going to the dance audition for that) so that's not going to take over my life. Should I let chorus do it instead? Probably.

I'll end with a few sentances I've written in Russian today.

  1. Yesterday I bought bread in the central square.
  2. When he worked at the literary institute he lived in the hall of residence.
  3. Anton read the paper on the bus.
  4. Where is the giraffe? It is in Moscow zoo.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

not 5, not 4, not 2, but 3!

Quick thought, when your duvet's a double, how do you know which is the end and which is the side?

haven't you noticed I've been hanging around?

I'm at uni. Hurrah!

I love PostSecret. You should too.

I went to do my washing today in the basement because I'm wearing my last pair of clean socks. For this I blame Ben, for he hath taken away my second-to-last pair. So far this has been a success because although the display says £1.60, I put in a pound and it just started. Fantastic. It only takes 38 mins; at home it's 47. And the drum is very huge. And there's tumble dryers! I'm going to transfer it all from washing to drying now. So, bye bye. Hopefully all is well.