how long?
Do I carry on putting it off or do I stop and think about it?
Thought could lead to action.
That's probably what I want.
Why am I even writing this here? It's a kind of half arsed series of thoughts, it's not eloquent, it's not enlightening for anyone's day. There's no point reading it, no point writing it. If the writing of the above helps me to think, surely this is kind of drivel that I should scribble and throw away. But, if I throw it away, what was the use in writing it, surely I could have just thought that one.
Writing is permanent. People can keep it forever. You can deny what you said, but not what you wrote.
I'm on approximately my thrid pint of lemon and ginger tea today. The tea bag implores me, "the art of happiness is to serve all." Really? Really? Is this true? Where did the tea bag get its authority from? According to the box, some Indian Yogi who once served the tea after his yoga classess. That's ever so reassuring. Some can take it and run with it, I think I'll purposely remove all the rest of the tags.
I don't need any more bad advice in my life.
(What exactly is that supposed to mean? Go, over-analyse.)
Why did he write these fortune-cookie-esque snippets of advice? Thought he was amazing? Knew he wasn't but thought he'd pretend? Or was amazing?
Maybe in this case I'll go for the first.
Mad? Bad? or God?
Is there ever another possibility?
It's such an accepted cliche.
Think outside the box.
I'm going swimming.
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