Friday, November 02, 2007

she forgot all about the library

The Library is on my mind.
I heard that fantastic lyric.
So, here is the result, a post about library politics (sort of).

As I expertly scanned myself into the library for the third time today I thought these things to myself :

  1. Do the library staff think I'm wierd for coming here so much?
  2. Wow, I must scan my library card more often than my beloved Oyster.
  3. I do come here a lot, don't I?

So with the topic in mind, I thought I'd pause on my way from the first floor toilets to the Miscellanous section to write about my favourite library positions.

  • In the above mentioned miscellanous section, on the seat with Misc IX to my right and the photocopier to my left. These are the only desk on the first floor arranged in a face to face pair with a mini wall in between, and no here is behind, so no one can watch you work, or not work. In front of this desk are the 2 computers in the main body of the library with the internet, so, if in the middle of the reading you suddnly think "Hang on, who was Bela Kun again?" or "What is "sateity"?" you can quickly pop online and utilise Wikipedia (remember not to reference it in your essay, of course). The photocopier is right there if you want to copy anything, but then this does when there are often people coming into your "work zone" to copy things themselves, but this is often welcome company.

  • In the Russian/Ukrainian reference section, on the desk on the left hand side of the four. Again, this is two-facing-plus-mini-wall desk, and no one is behind you. This section is quite quiet, as the books here are generally boring or have limited interest (Russian engineering dictionary anyone? Russian for computing? Russian - Japanese dictionary?). You can't take them out, so they don't need to be reshelved often. Also, these desk are quite far removed from the main bank of desks on this floor, and from the main bank of good books (Rus XXIV 7, and Rus IX) , and as most students will get the book first then a desk, they don't usually come near you. Also, if you need a giant Russian dictionary, or to check a verb form, they are right there, in between the first long shelf and the last shorter one. Finally, if you are at your maximum loan limit, or more likely, already have the 3 permitted 7-day loan books, and want to sneakily hide a book, the un-interesting nature of this section, means a hidden book is unlikely to be found, allowing you to come back later and retireve it. Downsides to this desk - it is very close to the library staff's kitchen area. This means if you are there at 11, 1 or 3, they are perpetually in and out of there, boiling the kettle, using the microwave and generally being loud. And reminding you that you don't have coffee or food because you are in the library and that is therefore Not Allowed. This constant movement of librarian also means that if you are doing anything Not Allowed, for example - texting, having a drink other than water in a clear bottle, you are more likely to be seen and spoken to. But all in all. A good desk.

And now, i must get back to the main body of the library, to the miscellanous seat this time.

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