Wednesday, May 09, 2007

we're gonna steal your skies

8/5/05 1800 Decide to write a blog about my actions over the next 24 hours.

1801 Made some squash with 2 ice cubes. Got a text from Lucy Brown

1805 Washed up the pan and plate from the asparagus and eggs on toast I had for 'lunch' at 1500, for once remembering to wash the coffee cup too.

1810 Tidied the junk from off my bed.

1813 Thought about how cold I have been today, checked the weather forcast, mused that it must have been colder than 18 degrees.

1826 Looked at a map of Kazan' to find where I'll be living in June. Unlike nearly everyone else in my class, I am unworried about the prospect. It's just a month, it's a big city, it's a G8 country, I speak the language. It's not 6 months, in some village, up a muddy hill, in the 178th richest (or 24th poorest) country, the language of which I knew 2 words. One of which turned out to be incorrect.

1852 Read some of A History of Poland - Anita Prazmowska.

1910 Left my room to go to Lucy's via Tesco and a Tube Station.

1915 Attempted to register my already registered oyster card at Warren Street. Had my intelligence insulted and my ego bruised by the tube lady.

1919 Went to Tesco, saw that juice is 98p. But as I am adamant it costs 79p in the other one, reesolved to go to J Sainsbury's instead. Set off walking to Lucy's

1935 Arrived in Mornington Crescent, went to Sainsbury's. Purchased Sainsbury's pineapple juice, which turns out to be better, but more expensive that Tesco's.

1945 Arrived at Lucy's. Cooked rice, with a sauce made of what was left in her cupboards and fridge. That is 2 onions, garlic, tomato pasta sauce, pesto, dried parsley, salt and pepper. Ate this. Chatted. Had yoghurt and malteasers for desert. Chatted. Washed up.

2220 Left, walked to the bus stop, got on the 29.

2244 Arrived home. Brushed teeth, face-wiped, put pyjamas on. Was very, very tired.

2252 Called Ben, arranged to call again in 10 mins so we could talk while in bed together 200 miles apart. Phaffed nonspecifically

2302 Turned off laptop, got into bed, wrapped self in double duvet, called Ben, got told he needed a few more minutes.

2305 Called back, somehow talked for an hour, despite my sleepy sleepy state.

0010 Said bye, hung up, went to sleep.

0800 Yesterday's exam alarm woke me, I turned it off.

1020 Woke up of my own accord, but the bed was so soft and revision so unappealing that I rolled over, and slept again. Had a complicated morning time dream in which, among other things Tadhg shot my dad, but that was at the beginning and not the main source of action. That was provided as I attempted to get a rich family to take me to a train station so I could get 3 trains to a police station, they would have to buy my ticket, but I would send them a check in the post. We were all wearing tweed. The twist came just before I woke up when it turned out that Tadhg, dressed as he was at the Back to the Future party was their son, and it was him I wanted to get arrested.

1250 Woke up again. Was shocked at the time. Got up, dressed etc. Tidied up a bit, made some squash, drank it, checked my email, had one from TfL saying they were giving me a refund. Wrote on some people's facebook walls.

1430 Got round to revision. Resived

1506 Made coffee, began to drink it, with the help of six Cadbury's chocolate oat biscuits on the trot.

1512 Ben called :)

1520 Carried on revising.

1621 Looked out the window. It was raining.

1645 Wrote an email to Lucy, it took half an hour but was 1732 words. That's an essay, oh how good life would be if I could write an essay in half an hour.

1722 Sent the email, revised again.

1752 Went to the kitchen to make a tea of asparagus and peas. Noticed that something was "going down" at Saatchi and Saatchi, three matching vans with suited minders wearing earpieces were waiting in a row outside. See the picture below.

1800 Passed me by.

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