Sunday, January 20, 2008

but nothing ever happens

Another Sunday, another journey back to London.

5.20pm arrive back at the flat to find that there is a full-on rave, complete with smoke machine, glow sticks, flashing lights, neon skirts and DJ (still) going on in the basement flat next door. This is the same flat that twice in the last month has had it's door bashed down by the fire brigade in order to retrieve some people/bodies so the police can bundle them into ambulances.

5.40 - leave for church.

5.51 - arrive at church even though it takes 20 minutes to get there.

Have "church".
While at the Old Dairy witter on about bad "Christian music", and about housing.

9.15 ish - walk back home past the above mentioned basement flat. The rave is over, there remains a lone old fat man watching the TV.
9.16 - get back to the kitchen. Find there is no bread OR milk. Love the flatmates' logic (but my way is not the only way). Also find my bottle of unopened wine, open, and empty.
Shall I mention it? Shall I be generous?

9.40 - go to Tesco.
9.50 - home. Find milk in the flat, on the side next to the oven. In addition, find the Philidelphia on the hob (turned off). Not exactly where I would have stored those items.

But, as I am trying to learn,
My way is not the only way.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

put it in the pantry, with your cupcakes

I thought that maybe it was time for a post.

I joined the gym today using the photo I cut out of my ULU card, only to discover that, as the gym is in the University of London Union, the membership card is in fact a ULU with 2 holes punched in it so you can use it in the lockers. Sigh.

So I swam. I don't know how many lengths I did but I was in the pool for 20 minutes (that's not very long really). There were less naked people than on Saturday. However the girl using the locker next to me came out of the gym, casually took off all her clothes, then headed for the showers in a very naked state. But then, isn't that to be expected when showering? I suppose yes.

In fact, maybe it's less embarassing to be naked than cowering under a towel trying to pull your knickers up without anyone seeing or falling over?

And more practical too?

But that doesn't explain showering naked in one of the non-cubicle showers when there are cubicles free.


Or they don't mind being naked so they are leaving the cubicles for prudes like me?

I'm just not used to all this naked ness.

What's a prude anyway?

Thursday, January 03, 2008

you scumbag, you maggot

Over this past "festive season" Radio One dubbed and undubbed A Fairy Tale of New York.

Simon from Southampton called the dubbing "political correctness gone mad".

How many times has someone said this?
What does it mean?
What do they mean?
What does Simon mean?
Is Simon lacking the ability for reasoned thought, and the vocabularly to express himself as an individual?
Why do we quote him, when someone else hopefully had something better to say?
Is this one of those sentances that people 'just say', because someone has, it sounded half good the first time, and we'd rather, and are encouraged to hide behind someone else's soundbites than risk exposing ourselves by saying what we really think?
Why do we accept it when people hide behind cliches like this?
Why don't we question?
Why don't we probe?
If we don't think, and speak for ourselves, won't our vocabularies dwindle and abilities for thought die?
Is there anyone you know who needs to be less able to express themselves?
Why has it been almost "cool" and certainly the done thing not to?