Thursday, July 27, 2006
Thursday, July 20, 2006
do you want to see the world, do you want to see the world?
Well, apparently I don't. M&D&K are going on holiday to Egypt tonight without me but with one of Kat's friends. After a small bout of "What! She's taking a friend!" jealously/annoyance, I realise quickly that this is what I want. And am therefore pleased.
Billie and Ruth return from their world-like adventures in 2 weeks - hooray! And as proved by their last couple of emails and photo updates, they are indeed having an Exciting Time exploring the wonders of India. All the Tanzania guys are starting to arrive home after various stints of "independent travel" at the ends of their placements. Lucy's going to India, Kate's in Brazil, Jack's going to the Ukraine, Ben's going to Germany, Luke's just returned from a spontaneous trip to Turkey and is interrailing-it in September. There's a whole world waiting to be explored!!!
And the British Navy is exacuating tourists from Lebanon because Israel's "turning the clock back 20 years".
Oh well. I'm going to Preston at the weekend :) That's adventurous, and bonus, there's no tanks there!
posted by
7 or 8 hours after
12:23 PM
Saturday, July 08, 2006
i am not an acrobat
Am I supposed to be all "Oooo look, this is my new blog!" or am I supposed to jump straight in and just write?
Maybe by writing that I've answered my question.
Or maybe I just think I have.
Anyway, today I
- Served approximately 1 million (maybe) Italian school-kids in matching red baseball caps who all descended on the Shop with the Star during the height of the lunch-hour-rush-hour as one great Luncheon Voucher brandishing mass.
- Didn't check the reverse of the above mentioned vouchers for watermarks. Apparently, you're supposed to. None of us did and when the manager was checking later, he couldn't find any. So maybe we took approx £400 of fake Luncheon Vouchers. Oh well. It's not my funeral.
- Saw my feet in a mirror in Topshop and started to realise what my mother means when she says I should have left my beloved Pocahontas shoes in Tanzania.
- Watched Team America : World Police. I understand what it's trying to do, and the jokes it's trying to make, however, I don't get it. Or I wasn't paying attention. But thanks to Daneil for lending me it :)
Thought of the Day
When boys (like those in Placebo, for example) wear eyeliner and eyeshadow, do they wear mascara as well?
posted by
7 or 8 hours after
10:44 PM